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  • Writer's pictureRagini Singhal

Covid-19 Recovery + Essentials + Experience.

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

I came in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID on July 25th, 2020. The first step we took as a family was to inform my family doctor. He told us to go into home isolation and started the required medicines.

After 4 months of following lock down guidelines , social distancing norms and taking all possible precautions to protect myself -I tested positive for COVID-19 on August 1 ,2020.

My family doctor who is unfortunately for him my uncle also is known for his humor and charisma , but this news -of us testing positive was stressful for him. He is the one who had told us to get MMR vaacine about one month back as it was expected to reduce chances of covid by 25%. A precaution I didn't think necessary , but I am no doctor. I obliged for in fact he was the person responsible for treating us every day for the last 25 years.

So he started our medicines and 5 days later we got tested. We waited for 5 days because the incubation period for Covid-19 is generally 5-7 days. Next day we were eagerly waiting for our reports. Mom was in separate room and me and dad were in common room.

Report 1 : Madhu Gupta (Mom) : Positive

Me and dad panicked. Mom is diabetic and we knew that co-morbid people were considered high risk patients. We waited for the next 15 minutes to get other reports. They did not come.

99% all three us were positive. The wait seemed very long So I called up the lab and told them that they had only processed 1 out of 3 reports. They said "We will send them shortly."

Shortly lasted 30 minutes which were the hardest 30 minutes I had spent.

Reports came in.

Ragini Singhal :Positive

Ajay Gupta : Negative

Dad went separately and started talking to the advisors. Meanwhile, Mom came out - Let's have tea! I told dad we need to inform her, very surprisingly she took it well and we laughed it off.

I know this doesn't seem healthy and totally shocking but we had no symptoms what so ever. It was very hard for us to believe we were positive. We were totally fine. But this did not mean we would not get worse.



Luckily, We had three rooms with attached washroom, thanks to my visionary grandfather who got this latest house built at the age of 93. What a legend he was. So we all separated.


If you test positive for Covid-19 and are asymptotic or mild you need the following items:

@THERMOMETER - Check temperature 5 times in first week

@OXYMETER - Check oxygen along with temperature 5 times in first 7 days

Keep noting it down.

@STEAMER - For respiratory and throat care. Mix water with mint leaves or ajwain.

@KETTLE - To boil water for all things- warm water, green tea, kaada, ginger tea etc.

@KAADA - An Ayurveda drink being recommended everywhere.

@SALT - For gargles - Do it thrice a day, mix one tablespoon salt in one glass water and gargle away covid.


Doctor uncle suggested to get blood test done to check viral load and we did that. Our reports came out good touch wood. After that all us relaxed but not in our routine - Temperature, gargles, oxygen, taking warm water, keeping ourselves hydrated. We did everything very seriously.


The government came to take us to hospital because mom was high risk patient. My most amazing doctor uncle have an undertaking to satisfy the government we were under his care and had no serious symptoms at all.


I had bad days with fever, insomnia and sore throat but I kept doing everything right like taking liquids, having faith, resting A LOT, keeping myself busy with movies, friends and when better taking baths,having healthy and good fruits, taking care of my immunity and so on.

If anyone needs any help to fight COVID. The following videos are bound to help:




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